So, I have been horrible at the whole blog thing.... again. By the time I get home from work, we get dinner made, dishes done... spending time on the computer is not on my list of things I want to do! I want to be with my hubby!
Braden and I have been up to lots of fun things! For Thanksgiving we were able to go to Washington D.C. and visit family out there. We had a direct flight (and can I just say that those are heaven sent??) Braden and I went to the mall and visited a few museums. I made us stop and eat a really gross cookie because I was starving (and if you know me, i get grumpy when i don't eat) and i was not happy about the trek across the city in the rain to find the metro, but we arrived at the station, picked up by the family, and off to cafe rio we went. Did they know i was grumpy and craving cafe rio?? they must have! bless them.
The next day was Thanksgiving. There was lots of cooking, eating, sleeping, eating, soccer, more eating that day. I also was in the middle of the book the hunger games.. i couldn't put it down! So I spent most of my day in the kitchen or in bed reading.
The next few days were spent going to Virginia for some black friday shopping, going to an orchard and cutting down their christmas tree, lots of walks, and of course eating. it was a great trip!
Since then, we have celebrated our 4 month anniversary, bought our very own christmas tree, decorated our apartment, gone up to midway, made a gingerbread house( thanks mom for all of the stuff!) (we came in second place... we had an ice fishing pond with teddy grahams as fishermen and goldfish swimming around... even had brown sprinkles as you know what in the pond...details friends... details!)) visited a live nativity here in Salt Lake in the glen, where there was a live camel!, im in the middle of making the star for the tree, (i tried making the tree skirt, but there is no way it will get finished for this christmas, but don't worry... next christmas will be here before you know it!), i am trying my hand at my moms AMAZING toffee, spoke in church--inspired by my mom and her amazing heart, gone to school, gone to work, gone out with friends, subjected to braden to hours of christmas music and movies, and much much more!
we are so happy to be in our fun apartment and making friends here. we are thrilled to see where we end up and what is in our future together!